Call Us

General Claims

1800 011 028

General Enquiries

1800 011 028

Workers' Compensation

1800 011 028

SchoolCare Claims

1300 655 001

Interact With Us

Contact Translating and Interpreting Services

Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS) are available 24/7 and speak over 160 languages.

They’re available over the phone and in person.

Book an appointment with TIS, or call them on 131 450

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)

​Visit Us​

CCI staff are currently working remotely, however our teams remain fully committed to supporting you. As always, you can reach us via our phone or email.

We ask that if you do need to submit documentation related to renewals, claims or accounts payable that you do so via electronic methods (online, email). Alternatively you can post any documentation to the following GPO Box locations.

Queensland and Victoria

Mail: GPO Box 180, Melbourne VIC 3001

New South Wales, Western Australia and South Australia

Mail: GPO Box 4240, Sydney NSW 2001

From 2 April 2024 our address is

Catholic Church Insurance

Suite 2114, Level 2, 555 Collins Exchange
Melbourne VIC 3000

Mail: GPO Box 180, Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: (03) 9934 3000
Freecall: 1800 011 028